PreLab – preparing for your online course

In this class, we will be using VMWare Workstation Pro to create virtual machines where we will install Windows Server multiple times in different configurations.  You will need to install VMWare Workstation Pro on your own personal computer or laptop. You need enough hard drive space and enough RAM to support the VMs in the upcoming labs.

Upon completion of this lab you will have everything prepared to install Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 on your SSD.

If you are a student who is new to Seneca or transferred from another program, you will probably find it useful to review the lessons and labs from IOS110, which is the prerequisite for WIN210. The IOS110 course webpage can be found at:

Approximate completion time: 120 minutes.

There is NO TEXTBOOK to purchase for this class. All resources are online.

1.0 Obtaining Course Resources

You need the following resources for this course:

  • a computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements
  • VMWare license downloaded and installed on your computer
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO file downloaded
  • Fill out the Prelab Chart from this lab and keep to use during labs.
  • There is no textbook for this course.

1.1 Minimum Hardware Requirements:

In order to be successful in this class you will need a computer with the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • a process that supports hardware virtualization (usually it can be configured in the computer’s BIOS)
  • 16GB memory (we can make some alterations to the labs if you only have 8GB, but the VMs will not run very well)
  • 200GB available hard drive space (or you can use an external SSD drive attached to your computer. It must use USB 3.0 or higher connector.)
  • Windows 10 is the preferred operating system, but Windows 8.1 will work. If you are using a Apple computer, you will need to use VMWare Fusion instead of VMWare Workstation Pro.

1.2 Download and install VMWare Workstation Pro

Seneca provides all students with a free license to use VMWare Workstation Pro, downloadable from VMWare On TheHub.

  1. Sign in. Your username will be your Seneca email address. Use the forgot password link if you forgot your password or never set one.
  2. Once signed in, click Start Shopping. Select VMWare Workstation Pro 15, add to cart and Checkout, the serial key will be generated and the download option will be listed.
  3. Download the software and install it and then enter the serial key under Help/About menu in VMWare Workstation.

If you ever need to download the software again, you do not re-purchase it. Login to VMWare OntheHub and click on your name next to the Cart. Select Account/Orders and you will see your previous order and you can download again from there.

2.0 Downloading Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 ISO files.

Since we are using virtual machines in this course, we do not need to use an installation DVD, but instead we can install directly from an ISO file (disk image file). We will be using a 180 day evaluation copy of Windows Server 2016 and a 90 day evaluation copy of Windows 10.

Download the ISO files and save them on your SSD:

  1. To download the Windows Server ISO file, click the following link:
    Windows Server ISO
  2. To download the Windows 10 ISO file, click the following link:
    Windows 10 ISO

4.0 Gathering Information and Answers for Lab Activities

Several of the labs will require you to enter computer names or IP addresses. The following steps help you assemble all of this information in one location.
Print the following PDF: WIN210-PreLabChart
Use the instructions below to fill out all information in the chart. Keep this chart with you at all times, as you will need this information throughout the semester to complete the labs. Alternatively, take a photo with your smart phone and save it someplace that you can access it.

  1. To obtain the number to be filled in the IP address, Default Gateway and DNS boxes, go to My Seneca. Click on the WIN210course link. Click Tools from the menu, and then select My Grades.One of the first “grades” that will be listed is named IP address and it will be a 3 digit number. Write that number in every blank in the table below that relates to the IP address configuration. For example: if the number you find is 125, then your IP address, etc will be
  2. Next, fill in the computer name and domain name with your SenecaID.
    For example: If your SenecaID is kmjames2, then your computer name will be S1-KMJAMES2 and your domain name will be
    If your SenecaID is long, shorten it to 10 characters. Keep a copy of the table with you when completing the labs.


To prove you have completed this lab:

  • Create a Microsoft Word document (or use Google docs), with a name of YourSenecaID-Prelab.docx.
  • Take a screenshot of the 2 ISO files downloaded to your SSD, and paste it into the document.
  • Take a screen shot or photo or scan of the completed Prelab Chart, and paste it into the document.
  • Save the document as a PDF file using the same name as the document file, and upload it to MySeneca, under Course Documents>Labs>Prelab before the due date.
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